
Learn Dart With Toast Guys

Dart is an object-oriented, strongly typed, single inheritance language using a C-style syntax structure developed by google to build web, server and mobile applications. It is platform independent and declarative langauge which supports ahead of time compilation for buildingn faster and efficient mobile apps.

Learn Android

Android development is the application development for an open source, linux based, highly customizable android operating system. Android operating system is owned by google and best-selling OS worldwide since 2011. Therefore learning and selecting android programming as your career is the best choice.

Learn Flutter

Flutter is an open-source mobile application development framework developed by google. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS using single code base. Flutter is a fastest growing hybrid framework which provides very attractive UI using material design and cupertino elements to make your applications user friendly.

Learn Unity

Unity is the most used cross-platform game engine developed for creating games for many platforms like Android, iOS, Windows, Play Station and many more using single code base. Unity is an ultimate game development framework which has various out of the box features like content rendering, animations, scenes, assets, special effects, AR and VR to make extra-ordinary 2D and 3D games. To become a great game developer unity is the best game engine out of all.

Learn Android

Learn Unity

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